Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Road at Glimpses of His Glory

Title: Path of Life

Scripture: “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy” Psalm 16:11

caption: The path of life does not start with my life. It started in the mind and heart of God before the creation of the world. It ends with the glorious work God accomplished in leading me and others to see Him as He is by faith.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ovation Award

Dear Tehwan,

The Cobb Arts Board and the Friends of the Arts would like to thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for the Arts in Cobb County. It is my pleasure, on their behalf, to inform you that you have been nominated for a 2010 Ovation Award and have been selected as a finalist.

There is a letter attached to this email from Yvonne Wason-James, Arts Board Chair, concerning this year’s presentation. The date of the event has been moved. This letter will give you more information. I will follow up within the month and give you more details as well.

Again, congratulations! And don’t stop making art happen in Cobb County.

Elizabeth H. Weaver
Cultural Affairs Division Director
Cobb County Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department

“After the Dream Only Passion Remains” - Dante

Kincaid Joyousbrush Club

The children did great following my instructions in painting their 1st angel fish.  After that you can see their creative outburst in creating angel fish community and their habitat.  I have attached my sample painting for your reference.  They did not copy mine.  They created their own free hand.  Each person's stroke are unique, their preferences are different, this is only their first experience on the rice paper.  They did great with the line work and the control of the moisture in their brush.  

The students are allowed to take their paintings home.  But they have to remember to bring them back so we will have our portfolio in the end of the school year.  Most students left their paintings in my keeping.  I will request spaces in school to display their paintings down the road.

Thank you for sharing your children with me as we seek to multiply joy together.